How to Find Raspberry Pi IP: Quick Steps to Locate Your Device’s Address

Prerequisites and Preparation

Before diving into finding your Raspberry Pi’s IP address, let’s make sure you’ve got everything set up. You’ll need your Raspberry Pi, of course, but what OS are you running on it? Ideally, it should be Raspberry Pi OS since it’s tailor-made for your device.

What You’ll Need:

  • Raspberry Pi: Any model should do, as long as it’s connected to a network.
  • Raspberry Pi OS: This Linux-based system is optimized for Raspberry Pi.
  • Network Connection: Whether it’s Wi-Fi or an Ethernet cable, ensure your Pi is hooked up to your local network.

Check Your OS:

If you’re not sure what OS you have, don’t sweat it. You can check it by entering cat /etc/os-release into the terminal. If you see any mention of Raspberry Pi OS (previously called Raspbian), you’re all set!

Networking Basics:

  • Wi-Fi: Have your network credentials handy if you aren’t already connected.
  • Ethernet: If you opt for a wired connection, make sure you’ve got an Ethernet cable connected to your Pi and router.

Desktop Environment:

If your Raspberry Pi OS has a desktop environment, you’ll spot a little network icon near the clock on the top-right corner. It’s a quick way to see your IP without typing anything, just hover your mouse over it.

Alright, gear up and let’s get ready to pinpoint that IP address!

Using the Command Line

When you’re ready to discover your Raspberry Pi’s IP address, the command line is your go-to tool. You can use different commands depending on whether you’re on Windows, MacOS, or Linux.

Locating IP on Windows

In Windows, open Command Prompt by typing cmd into the search bar and hitting Enter. Use the ping command to ping your Raspberry Pi by hostname if you know it:

ping raspberrypi.local

After you get a response, use the arp -a command to list all connected devices:

arp -a

You should find the IP address next to the hostname of your Raspberry Pi.

Locating IP on MacOS

On a Mac, launch the Terminal app from the Utilities folder. Just like in Windows, you can use the ping command:

ping raspberrypi.local

Then, you can take the next step with grep to find your Raspberry Pi’s IP address from the list of network devices:

arp -a | grep raspberry

This will filter the output and show you the IP address tied to your device’s hostname.

Locating IP on Linux

On Linux, your Terminal window is the gateway to finding your Pi’s IP address. You can use either the ip command or ifconfig to unearth it quickly. For modern systems, type:

hostname -I

Or, for a detailed view, use:

ip addr show

If you are using an older version, you might still be able to use ifconfig:


Both of these will list network interfaces along with their associated IP addresses, look for the one related to your Pi.

Graphical User Interface Methods

Navigating your Raspberry Pi’s GUI can be the simplest way to find its IP address on your local network. This will let you connect to and manage your Pi with ease.

Using the Router’s Web Interface

Your router’s DHCP server assigns IP addresses to devices connected to your local network, including your Raspberry Pi. To find your Raspberry Pi’s IP address:

  1. Access your router’s web interface by typing the router’s IP address into your web browser.
  2. Log in with your credentials. These are often found in the router’s manual or on a sticker on the router itself.
  3. Look for a section like “DHCP Server”, “Connected Devices”, or “LAN Status”.
  4. Check the list for your Raspberry Pi, often identifiable by its hostname or the manufacturer’s name.
  5. Locate the corresponding IP address in the router devices list.

Remember that each router’s interface is different, and manufacturers may call these sections by various names.

Using Network Scanner Applications

If you’d prefer to use a standalone application for a network scan, consider a network scanner tool such as Nmap, Fing, or Angry IP Scanner. Here’s what to do:

  1. Download and install a network scanner application onto your computer.
  2. Run the application to scan your local network.
  3. These tools typically display a list of all devices currently connected to the network.
  4. Look through the results to find your Raspberry Pi. It might be listed by its hostname or its hardware identifier.
  5. Note the IP address that’s associated with your Raspberry Pi.

These applications provide a user-friendly GUI and often offer more detailed information about each device on your local network.

Advanced Techniques

When you’re ready to move beyond the basics, you can use more sophisticated methods like network scanning or scripting to discover your Raspberry Pi’s IP address. These techniques are especially handy when you’re dealing with multiple devices on a busy network.

Using Nmap

First up, if you’re on a local network and need to find your Raspberry Pi, a tool called Nmap can be your best friend. Nmap stands for network mapper, and it’s a powerful command-line utility used to discover devices and services on a network.

To use Nmap, you’ll have to have it installed on your computer. On most Linux distributions, you can install it using your package manager with a command like:

sudo apt-get install nmap

Next, you’ll need to identify your network’s subnet range. This will typically be in a format similar to Here’s how to use Nmap to scan for all devices within that range:

nmap -sn

-sn is the flag that tells Nmap to send a ping request to each IP address in the subnet. What you’re looking for in the response is an entry with the manufacturer’s name “Raspberry Pi Foundation”. Note the IP address associated with this entry – that’s your Pi’s address!

Creating a Python Script

For a more customized approach, you could write a simple Python script to find your Raspberry Pi’s IP address. Python is a popular scripting language that’s included with Raspberry Pi OS and many other Linux distros.

Here’s a barebones example of what your script might look like:

import os

# Run a system command to get all IP addresses
response = os.popen('hostname -I').readline()

# Assuming the first IP is the one you want
ipv4_address = response.split()[0]

print(f"The IP address of your Raspberry Pi is: {ipv4_address}")

This script runs a system command (hostname -I) to fetch all configured IP addresses, extracts the first IPv4 address, assuming it’s the one connected to your network, and prints it out. Save this as and run it in your terminal with:


If you have multiple interfaces and want to ensure you get the right one, you may need to expand this script to filter out your IP based on additional criteria, like your Raspberry Pi’s MAC address.

Connecting to Raspberry Pi

When you’re ready to tap into your Raspberry Pi from another computer, you’ll primarily use either SSH for command-line interaction or VNC for a graphical desktop environment. Ensuring that your Pi is connected via Ethernet or Wi-Fi to your network is the first step in establishing either type of remote connection. You’ll need the device’s private IP address for this.

Using SSH for Remote Access

SSH (Secure Shell) is a protocol that allows you to securely access the command line of your Raspberry Pi over a network. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Make sure your Raspberry Pi is connected to your network via Ethernet or Wi-Fi.
  2. Find the IP address of your Raspberry Pi using one of these options:
    • On the desktop environment, hover over the network icon.
    • Use the terminal command hostname -I which provides the IP directly.
    • For headless setup, check your router’s connected devices list, or use a network scanner like nmap with nmap -sn 192.168.1.*.
  3. Open a terminal on your local machine and connect using the command: ssh pi@your_pi_ip_address, replacing your_pi_ip_address with the actual IP address of your Raspberry Pi.

Remember that the default username is usually pi, and the default password is raspberry, unless you’ve changed them.

Setting Up VNC

VNC (Virtual Network Computing) lets you remotely view and control your Raspberry Pi’s desktop over a network. Here’s the gist of getting VNC up and running:

  1. Ensure your Raspberry Pi has VNC Server installed and that it’s running.
  2. Connect your Raspberry Pi to the network via Ethernet or Wi-Fi.
  3. After noting your Pi’s IP address following the methods above, use a VNC Viewer on your other computer to establish a connection.
  4. Enter the Raspberry Pi’s IP address in VNC Viewer and press Connect.

For a graphical experience, especially if you’re running a GUI desktop on your Pi, VNC will give you that visual interface as if you were sitting right in front of the actual machine.

Network Configuration and Management

Managing your Raspberry Pi network settings is crucial for ensuring it communicates reliably. Whether you’re dealing with a wired Ethernet connection or a Wi-Fi network, you can tailor the Pi’s network interface to your needs. Here’s how to configure a static IP or update your network settings.

Configuring Static IP Addresses

To set up a Static IP address on your Raspberry Pi, you’ll need to edit the dhcpcd.conf file. This ensures your Pi keeps the same IP address across restarts, which is especially useful if you’re running a server or remotely accessing your device.

  1. Open the terminal and edit the dhcpcd configuration file:
    sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf
  2. Scroll to the bottom and add your static IP configuration:
    • For IPv4, it might look something like this:
      interface eth0
      static ip_address=
      static routers=
      static domain_name_servers=
    • For IPv6, you may add:
      interface eth0
      static ip6_address=fd51:42f8:caae:d92e::ff/64
  3. Save the file (Ctrl + O, then Enter) and exit nano (Ctrl + X).
  4. Reboot your Raspberry Pi for changes to take effect:
    sudo reboot

Remember, choose an IP outside your router’s DHCP range to prevent IP conflicts.

Updating Network Settings

If you need to update your network settings, say after a network change or moving to a new location, you can easily do so via Raspberry Pi OS.

  • Wi-Fi:

    • Click the network icon on the top-right of the Raspberry Pi OS desktop.
    • Select your Wi-Fi network and enter the password when prompted.
  • Ethernet:

    • Your Raspberry Pi will connect automatically to a network when an Ethernet cable is plugged in if DHCP is enabled.

To update or upgrade your network tools:

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Update your package list:
    sudo apt update
  3. Upgrade your installed packages:
    sudo apt full-upgrade

These commands keep your system preferences and network configurations up to speed with the latest features and security enhancements. Remember, sudden network issues after an update might require you to reconfigure your network settings.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Sometimes, your Raspberry Pi doesn’t want to give up its IP address easily. Here’s a quick how-to when the usual tricks fall short.

If the display isn’t showing the IP address:

  • Check the display and connections: Ensure your monitor is connected and functioning correctly. It might sound basic, but it’s often overlooked.
  • Reboot your Raspberry Pi: Sometimes, a simple restart can solve the display issue.

For problems with ping and hostname:

  • Use ping: Try pinging your Raspberry Pi from another computer. If you know your Pi’s hostname, you can use ping hostname.local in your terminal.
  • Hostname not working?: Make sure that your network supports Bonjour or multicast DNS to resolve the hostname to an IP address.

Can’t connect via SSH?

  • SSH not responding: Ensure SSH is enabled on your Raspberry Pi. This can be done by placing a file named ‘ssh’ onto the boot partition of the SD card.
  • Correct credentials: Always double-check your username and password. The default ones are often pi and raspberry, unless you’ve changed them.

Case sensitivity matters:

  • Remember, Linux is case-sensitive. Your username and commands should be entered with the right case.

Concerned about security?

  • Change the default password: Don’t stick with the default. It’s a security risk.
ProblemChecklist ItemWhy It Matters
Display IssuesCheck connections, monitor, and rebootSolves common display-related glitches
Ping & HostnameConfirm network supports Bonjour, use pingVerifies network visibility and connectivity
SSH Connection FailureEnable SSH, verify credentials, ensure proper case sensitivityRequired steps for secure, remote access
SecurityChange default passwordProtects against unauthorized access

There, now with these tips, you should be on the fast track to IP address discovery and, more importantly, getting back to your project.

Additional Resources

Finding the IP address of your Raspberry Pi is just the starting point. To make the most of your device, whether it’s for setting up a web server or networking tasks, here are some additional resources you can tap into.

Exploring Raspbian and Other Linux Distributions

Raspberry Pi OS, formerly known as Raspbian, is the official OS for your Pi. It’s tailored for beginners and seasoned users alike, offering both a desktop and a lite version for headless setups. When you’re running a web server or accessing your Pi via SSH, knowing the local or localhost address is crucial. You’ll also benefit from exploring other Linux distributions available for the Raspberry Pi, each with their own set of tools and features for different applications.

Taking Advantage of Third-Party Software

For networking tasks, applications like the Fing app can be a lifesaver. Install it on your smartphone, and you can scan your network to discover your Raspberry Pi and other connected devices with ease. This is especially handy if your Pi is headless or you don’t have access to its GUI. Plus, these third-party tools often provide additional insights into your network’s performance and security.

Leveraging Community Support

Remember, you’re never alone in your Raspberry Pi adventures. There’s a vibrant and knowledgeable community out there, from forums to Stack Exchange, brimming with Raspberry Pi enthusiasts eager to help. These platforms can provide support for anything from troubleshooting network issues to setting up complex projects on your Pi. Don’t hesitate to reach out; community support is an invaluable resource for learning and problem-solving.

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